If you get stuck in a building's elevator, you will realize the need for a reliable emergency communication system. It is critical to be able to call for assistance as soon as possible. In elevators, the International Building Code requires the installation of an emergency two-way communication system.


This system must provide visible text and audio modes and must fulfill the following requirements: It should have a live interactive function that allows elevator occupants and emergency personnel to converse in both modes.


Voice gateways play a major role in the advancement of elevator communication and safety. And, in this article let’s discover how these voice gateways are making the vertical transportation systems smarter and more advanced.


The Essential Role of Voice Gateways in Elevator Communication


Communication Enhancements

In residential or commercial spaces with multi-story structures, elevators play a major role in rapid vertical movement with a building.  It allows occupants to reach the ground floor quickly or whichever floor they wanted.  And, communication is crucial especially in times of emergencies.  Communication systems are essential to ensure safety of individuals using the lift.


There is a possibility that conventional intercom systems are not enough, particularly in times of emergencies. Through the use of cutting-edge voice communication technology, voice gateways are able to bridge the communication difference.


Inclusive Communication for All Passengers

Oral communication over an elevator speaker is common among traditional elevator communication systems. Many found this to be useful, but many with hearing or speech difficulties found it difficult.


Thus, the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) established two-way communication systems to fill this gap by offering a variety of communication methods.


Voice gateways go beyond conventional systems. They let passengers select their communication method with text and video. Voice gateways provide seamless communication through spoken, written, or visual clues, ensuring that no passenger is left unheard or unable to communicate crucial information in an emergency.


Integration with Building Systems

It is possible to provide centralized control and monitoring through the integration of modern voice gateways with building management systems.


Elevators, security personnel, and building administration are all able to get in touch with one another in real time through the Integration.


Emergency Situations and Quick Response

A direct line of contact between passengers and emergency services is made available by voice gateways in the event of catastrophic incidents such as power outages, earthquakes, or other critical incidents.


Having automated emergency protocols and capabilities for rapid response ensures that the appropriate authorities are contacted in a timely manner, which makes it easier to conduct a rescue operation that is both speedy and well-organized.


Enhanced Security and Surveillance

By adding sophisticated surveillance capabilities, voice gateways make a significant contribution to the safety of elevators.

In the event of an unlawful entrance or suspicious activity, the recording of both audio and video strengthens security by giving essential information.


Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics

Using voice gateways, maintenance professionals are able to remotely monitor elevator systems, identify problems, and prevent more problems from occurring.


When using remote access, elevator troubleshooting may be conducted more rapidly, which not only helps to avoid downtime but also guarantees that the elevator continues to function without interruption.


Compliance with IBC Requirements

For the purpose of ensuring the safety of passengers, several areas have enacted particular legislation that control elevator communication systems.


Voice gateways assure building managers that elevator communication systems comply with industry requirements.


Adaptability to Technological Advances

As technology advances, voice gateways may be easily updated with new functionality.


Elevator communication systems may adapt to new technology, making them more durable and beneficial in building management.


Voice gateways are indeed essential for modern buildings. It can provide continuous enhancement to passenger’s safety.


Smart Elevator Management with IoT Technology

Through IoT integration, voice gateways provide benefits beyond emergency communication. Gateways for elevator sensors and equipment can smarten and integrate building infrastructure.  Elevators with voice gateways comply with communication rules and join an intelligent building technology ecosystem.


Discover also more about smart industrial IoT Gateway.



Voice gateways are essential for safe, inclusive, and a much smarter elevators. These gateways are able to enhance elevator communication systems because they offer many communication channels, conform to regulations, and integrate IoT technology.


Need a reliable voice gateway for smarter elevator management? Look no further!  Upgrade your building's safety and communication infrastructure with Robustel's cutting-edge EV8100, an advanced elevator voice gateway tailored for modern needs.